Living alone,  sometimes I just have to share a moment....and the Lace list is

This morning my 3 yr old  GD ( one month to 4) was here on an unezxpcected
drop-in visit.  We were, of course, exploring everything....again.  Boxes,
kitties, testing the love seat (again) ...the usual GD stuff.  Everything nice
and pretty!
Then she inquired as to what was in, yet another, tin.  When I removed the top
and we were looking at aome colorful tatted colonial ladies..."that is pretty"
at each one, just like the cats. etc., each prettier than the one
before.....and everything else.

Well, I held up a BL candle (Kortehalti) that I had made in a bangle ...Maddie
gasped and said ever so quitely...."that is So Beau-ti-ful".  Her Dad and I
were both surprised.  A child of extremely good taste!   Of course she left
here with it in an envelope and Daddy will hang it  in her room, so that every
morning she can look at it and remember that it is going to be another  happy

It really was a special moment us all of sincere...hard to believe
that a 3 yr old could convey so much emotion.
 Back to my lacing.....I am trying to get ahead in making   hankies for the
young grands and great grands....and a special one for Maddie!
Happy Lacing

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