With regards to selling items made from other peoples' designs this happens 
all the time.  I have collected soft toy patterns, both knitted and sewn, for 
about 40 years now.  When I attend craft fairs I often seen knitted toys for 
sale designed by Jean Greenhowe among others.  And I frequently recognise other 
items that I have the patterns for amongst my collection.  These people are 
selling them to earn money for themselves, not for a particular charity.

I have just looked inside "Knitted toys" by Jean Greenhowe where it states  
"No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, 
or transmitted , in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, 
photocopying, recording or otherwise, or (significantly - my word) any items made for 
commercial purposes without the prior permission of Hamlyn Publishing and the 
copyright holder."
That seems pretty comprehensive.  However, as I have said it seems to be very 
widely ignored.

Patricia in Wales

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