On Nov 24, 2004, at 17:37, Brenda Paternoster wrote:

On Nov 24, 2004, at 1:55 am, Tamara P. Duvall wrote:
Brenda, in your new edition of the thread guide, would it be possible to add that information (ie which size has, and which doesn't have colours and how many)?

If only I knew!
Colour ranges are even more fickle than thread sizes :( something which currently comes in a couple of dozen colours could easily be down to just white and ecru next time you are looking for it.

OK... How about adding c.a. (colours available) to those you know have it, *at the moment the books goes to print*? Don't go into the size of the range.

Also, some of the threads - like Belding Corticelli silk, for example - are no longer being produced, but are still listed in the booklet, because someone might come accross them at some point. For that same reason, wouldn't it make sense to mention that, when it was easily available, it did come in colours?

It would also help - I think - in the straightforward conversion of threads recommended by an old book (before colour became commonplace in print). If a pattern calls for thread A (no longer/not easily available), and you can replace it with threads B, C and D, it might be nice to know which of the 3 substitutes matches not only the size but a possibility for a rainbow instead of just a little white road... :)

I swear by your book, and will get an update no matter what when it's ready, but that's not to say it can't be improved laterally, as well as vertically :)

Excluding stranded embroidery, weaving yarns from specialist suppliers and here-today-gone-tomorrow ranges; to the best of my knowledge the threads which currently come in a reasonable range of colours are;

Thanks; have printed it out, and will stick it in your current booklet.

Please don't hold me responsible if you can't get any of these in the colours you want!!

<VBG> I can *never* get the exact colours I want; either they're not made in that particular line of thread, or else they're not currently available (the same shade that Claire needs in Colcoton 70/2 is on back order - to be delivered in *January*, and much good it'll do me by then <g> - in Colcoton 34/2). I used to be just vaguely aggrieved with "the world in general" when that happened; now, I'll complain to you directly :)

*Of course* it's not your fault when something's not available or hard to get... It's still nice to know whether it's worth while to try and pursue the issue.

Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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