Jane wrote:
I remember reading a posting on Arachne a couple of years ago about someone who had gone to Australia, had purchased some pills to help with Jet Lag (in the airport in the US) and found that they worked really well. I forget what it was called and would appreciate knowing!
I know this is off topic for lace but I'm not on lace chat...
You may be thinking of a product called "No Jet Lag" It's made in New Zealand according to the package. I've used it a couple of times with great results. Don't know the how's or why's of it-it says it's all natural ingredients, but it seems to do the job. You can get more info at www.nojetlag.com I've purchased it at Whole Foods stores in the U.S. Here in Guam I just order it from drugstore.com.
More on topic, I'm almost finished putting the lace edging on a knitted Shetland lace shawl. It's a soft natural moorit color that has turned out to be prettier than I imagined. I made one in the same pattern last year, out of black cashmere. It was like a wonderful hug around your shoulders. And that's what it became when I gave it to my SIL shortly after my dear MIL passed away. It was the last thing she watched me knitting after years of watching my projects and it gave me great comfort to knit it as she was ill. I think this one will stay around my shoulders (once we leave the tropics, that is)
Dona in Asan, Guam where many of our ships have left port to help those in need after the tsunamis.

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