Other than that, my hubby and I swore off gift giving
this year.  As hideously corny as it sounds, we're
happy enough with each other that we didn't feel the
need for anything more, and not stressing out over
gifts was a gift itself (we tend to get what we
need/want as it comes up, not wait for once or twice a
year, so there's not much to give each other).  It's
strange to many or our friends, but it worked for us. 

Chris, we have a similar arrangement with wedding anniversary presents. We don't
give any to each other, but we decide to buy jointly something for the house 
isn't essential, but would be nice, like a ceiling fan in the bedroom or a new
dinner set...Much more useful and appreciated than personal things we probably 
do without, although I am lucky to have a husband who always chooses wonderful
gifts! Last year, I got 23 different bottles of beer individually wrapped and
scattered through the livingroom on Christmas morning! (The guy at the bottle 
said to him: " going to have a good time, mate?" and was stunned when DH 
that he didn't drink beer and it was all for his wife :-) Another Aussie myth

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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