Had a lovely time Friday night with the Pittsburgh Lace Group and
Pompi Perry's lecture.   They were very welcoming to a visiting
lacemaker.  Pompi's slides were most helpful in illustrating her
discussion of polychrome blonde.  I was just sorry I wasn't able to
take her workshop yesterday and today.  Her class demonstration
samples were great too!  What a lot to learn in the future!

Robin P. was lovely to meet in person, and very helpful in looking at
the lace books and deciding what is worth looking further at.  Tracy
the Lacemaker had sent some of her inventory (she was up with the
tatters in Hector), so I had a book fix before Denver.  Snowgoose had
been coming to the Fiber Arts Fiesta in Albuquerque (end of May every
other year) but we won't have a lace vendor this year.  However Louise
Colgan will be judging the lace entries and leading a Milanese
Workshop, so we still feel blessed.

I was even able to pass on a substitution.  Having used my suitcase
space for nephew's graduation present, there was no room for a lace
pillow, so I planned to make a quick pink polystyrene insulation block
pillow for the hanky I planned to work on for my cousin undergoing
chemo.  We picked up pizza on the way home from the airport and I
decided the 18" pizza box was faster than constructing a plywood box
for the blocks. Picking up clean boxes from the pizzeria the next day
and a little bit of duct tape later, I was in business.  Betsy decided
that was a fine tip to use in a pinch later.  Even carried the pillow
to nephew's soccer practice, and spread the knowledge of bobbin lace a
little further.  Actually one of the moms had seen lacemaking in
Bruges, so knew what I was doing, but I sat between two dads and
answered questions.

Beth from Albuquerque (temporarily in Pittsburgh)

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