> Aurelia wrote: But my main argument is exactly NOT to value lace as  
> just another fiber art! 
> Fiber art qualifies as art in my book. 

I don't want to downgrade our lace in any way, and certainly I do think
there are many wonderful lace works of art which our modern lacemakers are
producing.  However, I am darn sure my lace is **not** art.  I think it is
beautiful, and I love it.  I hope that I make my lace in the most
craftmanlike (in the very best sense of the word, and something to be proud
of) way.

I won't go into a long list of why I think this is so, for my lace, except
that for me an essential ingredient of art is orginality in the creation.
So far that is not a quality I seem to be capable of. So for a moment,
accept my evaluation of my lace as craft, not art (no reflection on anyone
else's lace). Why should not my lace be valued, according to the standard of
craftsmanship?  Or anything else that we produce by hand -- knitted or
crocheted, embroidered, sewn, etc.?  

It's too bad that "craft" and "craftsmanship" has come to have such a lowly
status -- if you read some of the old books, it used to be one of the most
valued of characteristics.

Just my two cents worth, and wondering why,

Carolyn Hastings
Stow, MA USA 

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