Hi Spiders All,

It's not just the Velcro pieces to attach each side of the 'flag' shape
about which one has to be careful!   One of my erst'while students bought
some quilted material with the fuzzy backing, instead of its being 'quilted'
on both sides - I think it should be lined or something when it is used.
Well - she didn't line it, thinking it was sturdy enough without, but when
the pillow is in the bag, the lace, the pins, and anything else which isn't
covered up tightly catches on the fuzz!    The pins bend or get torn out of
the lace, and altogether, it is a bit of a disaster!    But apart from that,
the bags she made are lovely ...

So - do be warned, and be very careful!

Carol - in Suffolk UK - a lovely sunny day, but after the warmish weather to
date, a decided nip in the air!

Subject: [lace] Re: pillow bag
> > Although I am a great fan of the convenience of Velcro, it has the
> > disadvantage of sometimes clinging to things to which it was not

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