Well, I joined the list within the first month or two of its formation so I could probably be considered a dowager, not that I've ever thought of using that term.

Thread help
The October pattern in the Lace Guild calendar for a tape lace pumpkin caught my fancy. It's made by a Spanish lacemaker, Maria Jose Jovez and calls for Daliam cotton thread 50 #12. Has anyone ever heard of this thread? I want to use some crochet cotton from my stash and it would help to know approx. what weight it is so I know how to adjust the pricking. So far I haven't been able to track it down. I have only the second edition of Brenda's thread book, and I don't see it there. I'd appreciate it if someone could check to see if it's in the 3rd edition (I need to get a copy) or possibly someone knows of this thread or has used it.

Lace in Literature
from The Towers of Trebizond by Rose Macaulay, an out-of-print novel (likely in your library), zany and fun. "...I was glad to drive to Bethlehem in the afternoon with my mother, who knew nothing except about the shops where they made jewellery and mother-of-pearl crosses and olive wood Bibles and velvet jackets embroidered with gold. Whenever my mother was in Bethlehem she got some of these jackets or tunics, and gave them to her friends and relations. She had a notion that all the New Testament women had shopped there, and that on the Sabbath they had all put on these velvet coats, and walked out in them, and she pictured all the Marys... and all the other women, walking out in these black velvet coats embroidered with gold thread, and ovef they heads they wore shawls of handmade lace." Probably knit or crochet lace...how we all wish that writers would give us more of the important details.

JulieO in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada where it's cold and frosty today...and I can finally spend time getting organised for some fall projects...e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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