On Oct 23, 2005, at 18:05, Julie Ourom wrote:

Thread help
The October pattern in the Lace Guild calendar for a tape lace pumpkin caught my fancy. It's made by a Spanish lacemaker, Maria Jose Jovez and calls for Daliam cotton thread 50 #12. Has anyone ever heard of this thread? I want to use some crochet cotton from my stash and it would help to know approx. what weight it is so I know how to adjust the pricking. So far I haven't been able to track it down. I have only the second edition of Brenda's thread book, and I don't see it there. I'd appreciate it if someone could check to see if it's in the 3rd edition (I need to get a copy) or possibly someone knows of this thread or has used it.

I've never heard of the thread myself. Just checked ed 3, and it's not there, unless it's a case similiar to Finca (everyone refers to it as "Finca", but it's full name is Presencia Finca Bolilos", so it's under P's, not under F's)... So I decided to have a go at it from another angle :)

The pricking uses - mainly - cloth and and half stitch, which are two of the 3 stitches used also in Cathy Belleville's Chrysanthemum Lace book. Judging by how open/dense the two tapes are in the photo, they're about similiar in that respect also. The main difference is that Chrysanthemum uses linen thread, and the pumpkin project uses cotton, and the two behave differently (especially depending on whether there're 2 or more plies in the thread)

So, OK... I measured the pin distance on the pumpkin pricking and it's about 4mm between pins. That's the distance Cathy recommends for Moravia linen 40/2 which is shown in Brenda's book as having 22 wraps per cm. I don't know what crochet threads you have in your stash, but 22 wraps corresponds to various cordonnets 40 in cotton.

However. Judging by the width of the tapes and the number of bobbins used (in both Chrysanth and the pumpkin), I'd probably "err" on the side of a slightly thicker thread - say 21 or 20 wraps - especially if your thread has more than 2 plies (which it's likely to, if made for crochet); 2 plied thread tends to have better coverage (spreads out more) than a 3 or 6 ply thread with its tighter twist. Additionally, cotton thread is usually much more uniform in thicknes than linen with its thin/thick sequences.

Hope this is off help... at least until someone from Spain tells us what Daliam is :)
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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