On Oct 23, 2005, at 17:37, Annette Meldrum wrote:

I don't post often, and I am always hundreds of emails behind with my reading, BUT I never think about unsubscribing even when I go on holidays. I wouldn't want to miss anything.

I'm as "Arachne-possessed" as Anette; can't face the idea of missing anything. But I do unsubscribe for every absence of a week or more; the holding pen at my ISP would burst otherwise, since it has a limit on the amount of data I can receive, and I'm never sure what access to a puter I might have while away (no laptop; a cell-phone is enough of a tech-curse for me <g>)

It's been a while since what I think of as "the holidays option" has been mentioned on the list, so I'm bringing it back; it might be useful for others whose boxes migh likewise be limited.

What I do for long-term vacations is unsubscribe from both lace and lace chat (or, to be precise, ask Avital to unsubscribe me, since I'm a total compu-idiot <g>) I take my ISP's URL with me, so so that, if I happen to get acess to someone's puter on my travels, I can read and respond to the _private_ mail (and trash what hadn't been caught by the spam filter), thus making room in the box for more mail to come in. Then, when I come back to my own - more relaxed - environment, I hit the archives for the missed backlog:


One can read everything posted on either lace or lace-chat on those, within a few hours of posting (most of the time). What one doesn't get is the e-addresses - not of the person posting, not of the moderator, etc. But, since I'm reading a long time behind, I don't want to answer a message reviving a long-dead "thread" anyway, so it doesn't matter. And, in the unlikely circumstance that I _would_ want to, the Arachne and Arachne chat addresses are the two of three (the third being my own) that I do remember and can type in... :)

Avital has set up the archives for our convinience - use them.
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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