Dear lacefriends,
Last weekend I took part in the congress of Austrian lace organisation "Klöppeln und Textile Spitzenkunst in Österreich". We took the plane til Linz. If you ever visit it you must go to the ARS ELECTRONICA centre. There you learn about believable and unbelievable electronic things in our modern world. Perhaps you get an idea under:
The Linzer Torte in the origin café was a big disappointement, this one I make every x-mas is the better one. If'n you believe me come and try. than we travel with a rental car over Wels and Vöklabruck to Ried im Innkreis. the whole part is called Oberösterreich - Upper-Austria. It's a lovely landscape and all these little towns have wonderful big places in the centre which are from Barock-time. And around them the old houses have beautiful facades. The congress started friday afternoon in the festve-hall of the exhibition centre of Ried. There were lots of traders with all the things we need and we want. And around this big room were the exhibitions. First the competition works with the title the Elements. Than lots of samplers in Torchon, Occhi, Hardabger embroiderie and some more. On one wall big and a bit abstract gingko-leaves. Some contemporary designs. Lots of doillies in different techniques and a lot more. In the town museum was the other exhibition with the title"laces from the time of 1900". rthose of you who read my report from 2002 from Wiener- Neustadt remember the laces from the Textile school in Herbststraße in Vienna. This was also from the connection of Wiener Werkstätten and K:K: Zentralspitzenkurs. Wonderful pieces. The excist a map with patterns from this exhibition from easy to not so easy, lovely pattern for different purposes. Under teh title "Spitzenmuster - Musterspitzen" with pricking, pattern, technical design and a describtion of the historie in German. If you are interested you get it from


Sorry I forgot the price.
There was another exhibition about Halas-lace, I told you about this lace in my report from Tönder last year or the year before. This is a very fine needle-lace made from professional lace-makers in the manufactur of Kiskunhalas, Hungaria. You can't learn this lace somewhere, they made it there and sell it all over the world. Have a look under:

And there excist a book, Halasi Csipke - Halas Lace. Inside you find the whole historie also in English and lots of pictures of the laces you can buy. But if you want your own design they will make it for you as well. This museum has lots of folkloristique things and a lot of pieces made in so called Hohlspitze. This is a special gold-lace made in south of Germany often as Radhaube also called alemanian bonnet. This is a beautiful sort of bonnet worn with the folkloristique dress near the Lake Constance in Germany and Austria. But in the museum in Ried you find other uses of this lace. And suddenly I heard a very famous melodie, one who belongs to x-mas-time and I went to next room and found out. But this I'll tell you tomorow. It hasn't to do with lace but English and North American people knew this melodie also.


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