Having just received Lace today, there is an article about the 2005 National Lace Day in England.

Malvary in Ottawa
----- Original Message ----- From: "Janice Blair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lace-digest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 7:44 PM
Subject: [lace] National Lace Day

Robin wrote:
 <There's a similar thing in the US.  I believe it was started by IOLI.
On October 1 each year, as many members/groups as possible are asked to
demonstrate lace-making somewhere.  My former guild usually went to a
fiber-oriented store, such as a knitting shop, to demonstrate.  >

Just checked, October 1 is a Sunday this year. I like the idea of demonstrating at a shopping mall, maybe something my guild could pursue as another venue. We never know what the weather will bring in October so an indoor site might be good to have. I think most of our fibre stores are too small to accomodate more than one lacemaker at a time.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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