Not sure about gold but!
I was talking to a non-lacemaker friend this weekend about my wedding
hankie & how I get bored after a couple of hours. She asked how long it
takes to do a bit & I wasn’t sure. It made me think!
The hankie is about 23cm square & the lace about 1.5cm wide. This means
I need about 104cm (4x23 + 8x 1.5) 
I timed myself this weekend at 1.75hrs for 4cm. So assuming a “minimum
wage” of about GBP4.50/hour and allowing about £5 for yarn and the
simple cotton hankie to attach the lace to – my hankie should “cost”
about £210!
Now I may not be the quickest lacer around (although I don’t think I’m
slow!) and are lacemakers so unskilled as to merit only a “minimum
In any case it makes you think, doesn’t it!
Wasn’t the Bucks’ Point pattern called 3 penny spot named because that’s
what lacemakers earned per yard in the past ie about 3.5p/inch (or
Can someone who knows some of the history stuff advise?
In Worcestershire where we’re on our 4th consecutive day of summer!

-----Original Message-----
Of Barry & Joyce Moes
Sent: 04 June 2006 02:05
Subject: [lace] 8 Times its Weight in Gold

Greetings Gentle Spiders,
 I am trying to put together some material for an Introduction to/
Demonstration of Bobbin Lace for our club.
I seem to remember from arachne several years ago the statement that at
stage lace was worth up to 8 times its weight in gold.

Could anyone help please with the source of this quote?

Our club has some small scales used for dyes and fine threads.  My
piece of silk Chantilly lace weighed 2 gm.  The price of gold is over
an ounce, so if this figure(8 times) is correct, the value of my lace
today is
over 40 US$.
I wanted to touch on some of the history of lace and why laws were
passed to
govern its use and sale.  This tiny piece of lace sitting on the scales
a portrait with a heavily ruffed collar would tell the story very
I thought.  So if someone could give me a reference for this statement I
be most grateful.
Joyce Moes
Lake Placid
(Cairns)  Australia

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