On 2/9/07 7:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I use a nice Ott-light (floor stand) at my pillow.

I lay my stuff on the floor next to the glass door on a
sunny day.  Last time, I moved in a little table and covered
it with black velvet.  (I got a yard of cotton velvet as a
premium with a large order of fabric, and have finally
thought up a use for it.)

When I do this, it is important to brace myself against
something stationary, as the slightest vibration will
ruin the picture.  I don't have a tripod which would
extend over the pillow, but that would be the ideal

After moving my latest pictures from his camera to my
computer, DH pulled a drill-press stand out of his closet
and showed me how to screw the camera onto it.  (Haven't
pressed my tatting yet, so I haven't tried the idea.) It may be that you can get a comparatively-cheap gadget for
attaching your camera to something you already have.  You
also need a cable release so you can trigger the camera
without pushing on it.  (Gah!  I know where the drill-press
stand is, but not the cable release.  I'm not even sure I
would *recognize* it.)

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where it's ice-fishing season.


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