> And I have about ... 50 pieces to finish!! bobbin
> lace, needle lace, run lace or tape lace.

I think you take the prize for ambition.  Since the
list was a bit quiet, I was thinking about asking  how
many lace projects people had in progress, but I would
guess you would be the winner.

I used to think that I was getting a bit ambitious
when I had twelve projects going.  Right now I feel a
bit lost because I have only three, plus my travel
pillow.  The past 15 months was spent completing
projects, and getting my pillows free.

I promised myself that this winter I would get my
finished lace squares sewn on to fabric, and not start
more big projects until this was done.  I haven't done
the sewing yet, and feel guilty when I look at
projects I want to start.  What a dilemma.

By the way, I have a 'lace' story.  I made a bookmark
from a pattern I designed.  The finished bookmark was
taken to church to show to my special friends who like
to see my lace.  A 92-year-old lady looked at it, said
'This will be lovely in my bookmark collection', and
put it in her purse.  I just smiled and walked away.

I had given this lady lace bookmarks in the past, and
had not clearly said 'Would you like to see what I
made this week?' when I held it out...so it was really
my error.  Besides, I could make another one very
easily.  The lady is a dear friend.

Alice in Oregon -- with four hours to do what I want
while DH is out playing with cars.

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