Barbara! Horrors! The group that was _your_ group before you moved to the Pacific Northwest was _our_ group. Surely you couldn't have meant the TerraPins (Baltimore area) or the CRLG (regional), all of whom are the most hospitable people on earth (and P.S., the TerraPins meet on the first Thursday of every month at the Fairland Library (near Silver Spring MD) and the thing we love best in the world, next to making Torchon lace, is...welcoming people! -- Aurelia

 >   Do any of your groups belong to a larger center that provides meeting and
storage space? As real estate is at a premium in most areas, the thought has
 always intrigued me...something similar to the Textile Arts Center in

Lacemakers of Puget Sound does rent a meeting space and storage space for
our library from the city where we meet (Kent, WA). It is very nice to be
able to do so, but alas, the cost is very high. Our normal income from dues
and an occasional raffle do not meet our yearly expenses of rent and
newsletter publication and delivery. We deal with that by holding a
conference every few years. Historically, I am told, we make enough profit
to be able to help defray the normal costs of the guild and also sponsor
some workshops, so that the cost to members is reduced.

On another note, I had read a post from Shere'e previously and invited her
to visit us once again. It was our group that turned her off (before I moved
to the Pacific Northwest). While I cannot condone the experience she
relates, I do wish she would give the guild another opportunity to show her
what we have to offer. Shere'e, how about it?!?!


Snoqualmie, WA

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