Hello Helen

1) Has anyone made the lace heart in Bridget Cook's Weddings, Christenings & Anniversaries in Lace book? I am interested to know what size thread would be a good choice if making the heart using the working diagram (i.e. the bigger diagram) instead of the actual pricking. I would appreciate suggestions please as I really don't have the energy or enthusiasm just now to do lots of experiments for myself.
I don't have the book (even though there's one of my patterns in it!) but the table on
should help you to to gauge which size thread to use for the bigger pricking.

2) I am hoping to visit London in October for a few days. Since I will be doing the usual touristy stuff and I prefer quiet and space, I am keen not to get caught up in hoardes of children on half-term holidays. Could someone in the know please advise which week(s) would be best to avoid? It is quite a while since I was at school myself ...

Half term in Kent is 22-26 October

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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