I'm so glad you posted the link!  The lacemaker is a member of our New
England Lace Group, and also a volunteer (one of three) at the Ipswich
Historical Society Museum's effort to catalog their lace collections.  She
is also an experienced and capable lacemaker, and gives lacemaking classes
at the museum.  Her name is Linda Lane.  She told me that a clip of her was
on UTube, but before I could see it, she said they had taken it down.  She
will be pleased to know that she is still "up".

Interesting what some clever editing can do in terms of creating atmosphere,


> -----Original Message-----
> Of Janice Blair
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 12:57 PM
> To: lace
> Cc: Doris O'Neill
> Subject: [lace] lace novel
> This was forwarded to me by Doris O'Neill about a new novel with lace
> in the title.
> http://www.bordersmedia.com/features/video/lacereader.asp?cmpid=SA_2008
> 0728_NR
> There is a video link which shows a lacemaker near Salem making lace at
> a pillow.  I haven't seen the book yet so can't recommend it but if it
> is a mystery I might read it.
> Janice
> Janice Blair
> Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA
> www.jblace.com
> http://www.lacemakersofillinois.org/
> www.landoflincolnlacemakers.com  Check for class spaces, many are full.
> -
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