Well, that's one translation job I don't have to do. =)

Be sure to add the end of Adele's link, which may get pushed to a second
line, and you can read an English translation with photos.

Thank you, Adele!
Sr. Claire

PS Here is the link again <

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Adele Ward <adelem.w...@mac.com> wrote:

> The Museum at Retournac is sending President Obama a set of lace
> bookmarks made by the lace makers of the Haure Loire. They will be
> presented to him in person by lace makers who won a contest to travel
> to Washington from France.
> Adele Ward
> adelem.w...@mac.com
> see:
> http://www.ville-retournac.fr/musee/anglais/actualites/2009/news1/
> news1_09I.html
> -
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