Bev & Angel,
Whilst I myself have not done it, you might want to compare with portraits of Sir Francis DRAKE who was a 2nd cousin to Sir Walter RALEIGH.
David in Ballarat

Just for fun I googled images of Sir Walter Raleigh for whom there seem to
be heaps of portraits. Yes, there is a comparison in the style of beard, and
general face, can see how the one would remind you of the other. Almost all
the images of Sir Walter Raleigh have him wearing a smallish neck ruff. An
early one, c. 1585 has a very wide collar (what is the flip description,
"head on a platter" I think), with probably needlelace trim. At first I
thought he had lace in his hair, but have decided that is a hat, possibly
patterned velvet to match the garment.
Here is a link showing Sir Walter's lace collar:

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