Trying hard to delurk more often!  Questions like this make it easier.  I
thought I had already replied, but am not sure *where* I ended up sending
that email.  Not to the list, that's for sure!

My favorite pattern (of the ones I have actually worked so far) is the
"Afternoon Dainty" from Sandi Woods' "Milanese Lace in Color" (don't have
the book in front of me, so not sure of the title).  It was my first time
working with silk and my first time working in color.  Initially I had
planned on making only the first one, but it was addictive and before I knew
it, I had made all 4 of them.  Before tackling those four dainties, I had
only completed 2 pieces of Milanese lace.  I'm normaly not a huge fan of
color, but those four dainties spoke to me!

Most challenging lace so far?  Don't now.  I am currently dabbling in
Honiton and the fine thread makes it a challenge.  I have only done the most
basic of patterns so I can't say yet whether I find the lace itself

Upstate NY

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