Are there any rules to membership to the list, as far as members soliciting
from others who post and thus make their email addresses accessible?  I would
prefer that if someone has an event, they share it with the group for the
common good of all, whether taken or ignored.  Some lists allow these things
to take place on a regular basis, such as the first day of the month, etc.
This kind of behavior ends up in funding the decline or even demise of lists,
as contributors/sharers/open-hearted people, end up not sharing at all, for
fear of becoming a target for others to solicit/parasite from.  I have seen
this happen over and over with online knit and craft lists over the years.
I would be happy to hear on the list when someone has a book published, or is
hosting or teaching an event, but unsolicited personal emails with agenda, I
find questionable at best as it then restricts my involvement with the group.
 There is a high percentage of lurkers in every group/forum, and typically
single digit percentages are actually involved and sharing.   I view this as
an egregious problem that threatens the betterment of everyone, vs. the simple
pleasure of sharing a common interest, which the list was most likely intended
for in the first place. .
Best,Susan Reishus

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