Just before christmas I needed a project I could do sitting in my chair
without access to my lace pillow to keep my hands occupied while my daughter
was visiting, so I decided to take up my knitting needles again to knit myself
a cardigan.  The first time for any kind of knitting in about 15 years.
Because of some little silly errors and my refusal to leave them un corrected
I must have knitted the cardigan 3 times in total by the time it was complete
and then couldn't find a sewing needle big enough to sew it up (bought a new
packet the other day and its now awaiting buttons.)
Also when tidying a cupboard, (new years resolution to do a little
decluttering), I came across some magazines with cross stitch patterns
attached and one fell out and demanded that I work it, so Euyore is now just
over half done, but taking me much more than the 5 hours they mention.

I was putting away my Christmas lace thinking when the link came through  with
the bauble lace cover and when I saw it I just had to try it.  Instead of
using the whole pattern I used two of the fingers and made up a tiny piece of
pattern so it will look like a kind of ribbon bow, using eqyptian cotton
complete with gold beads.   This is for a hair decoration for my nieces
daughter for a special dance and she will love it, so thanks go to Eve of the
Poole Bobbin Lace Circle.   Next Christmas I can see me having to make at
least two of the complete pattern, one for our decorations and one for our

I cannot decide what piece of lace I want to make that has a purpose or
specific recipient.  I want to decorate a hanky to wear in my jacket pocket
but although I have lots of books and lots of pretty patterns, no one pattern
has jumped out as one I must have.   My hands are desperate to get back to
bobbin lace, this is the longest length of time it has been with me making
none or very little lace since 2001.

Sue T Dorset, UK
Bobbin Lace and Glass engravings

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