I'm working on a variety of torchon corners for Lace Guild Convention - and 
picking brains as to how a scarf was made.

DD was given a scarf for Christmas, but it's really not her colour so she gave 
it to me at the weekend - and I wore it today.  It was given to Lucy by a 
colleague.  Apparently it was quick and easy to do and she just kept going 
until she'd made one for each of her workmates.

Yesterday was our little lace group meeting, only four of us plus an unexpected 
visitor in the guise of Sue Dane who called in to return a couple of bags which 
had been borrowed for Knitting & Stitching last year, and none of us are sure 
how it was made.  It consists of four strands of novelty yarns (ribbon, boucle, 
slub and eyelash) somehow formed into loops about the width of three fingers 
and held together with a plain yarn which is either stitched or crocheted down 
the middle.

Please have a look at

On 19 Jan 2010, at 17:55, Alice Howell wrote:

> What lace have you recently started.....finished....made progress on....gave 
> away.....put in an exhibit......etc.

Brenda in Allhallows

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