Today I went downtown Chicago on the train along with a group of knitters.  We 
worked on the train knitting, but I did needlelace.  We met a Chicago knitting 
group at the French Market and sat and worked, in my case for about 4 hours 
before I caught the train back home.  This time I knitted going home.  I caused 
quite a bit of interest at the market with my needlelace. Everyone was 
impressed with the portability.  I think the group probably numbered about 35 
of us all working and talking up a storm.  I had no idea the French Market even 
existed.  It is under the Ogilvy station and you could hear the trains rumbling 
overhead while we worked.  I had to treat myself to a French crepe and told 
myself it was good for me as it was made with wholewheat flour.  Next time I 
will shop for food and maybe the cheese stall will have some Lancashire cheese 
in stock.  The Belgian fries were popular with the knitters.
 Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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