In message <>, Janice Blair <> writes
Today I went downtown Chicago on the train along with a group of knitters. We worked on the train knitting, but I did needlelace.

Totally unaware of the significance of the day, yesterday I had arranged to take one of the other members of our knitting group over to the narrow gauge railway in North Wales (where I work as a volunteer shedmaster - nothing glamorous, roughly translates to showing passengers round the museum and doing "housework" between trains!). This involved getting trains from Birmingham to Porthmadog and back - four and a half hours each way, so we took our knitting to do on the train. Lydia was working on squares for a baby blanket (as a group, we knit for a local hospital) and I managed to finish one sleeve and start the other of a cardigan I'm knitting for my granddaughter.

I'm now wondering whether there would be sufficient interest amongst the North Wales lacemakers to join me in a "make lace on the train day" at the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway, Porthmadog on National Lacemaking Day (September 11th) - are any there Arachnes living in that area?
Jane Partridge

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