You're quite right, Devon, I answered quickly before I went out this 
morning, and the made-in-pieces bit got stuck in the recesses of my brain.  
Another reason why it would be excellent if stevienixed would post some more, 
better pictures of details.

The rest of my answers still stand though (I have re-read them and I think 
they make sense).  They are very difficult questions to answer, and unusual 
to find on Arachne in quite that way, so I wonder if the questioner is a 
bobbin lace maker.  They seem more the sort of questions that a collector who 
doesn't actually make lace would ask.  

I realise that for example, when David made his Miss Channer's Mat, we were 
all interested in how long it was taking but that was more because we were 
impressed how steadily he was progressing through it.  But he wouldn't earn 
a living at the speed he was working.

Thinking about the UK for a moment, there may be records somewhere of how 
much yardage, or how many motifs an average lacemaker could produce in the 
week/month gaps between seeing the dealer, but I doubt if there are records 
which would also show how many hours a day those people were working.  And the 
lace schools where the number of hours could be better estimated probably 
sold their lace as a block, so there the problem might be knowing how many 
lacemakers there were.

So, as before, the answers of necessity are tenuous; but better photos 
would help us to answer the number of bobbins and the start finish places 
questions, or to even say if it's handmade at all.


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