Don't forget the superstitions associated with the various beads (and types
of bobbins).

Buttons came from mens' pants (either a fiancé or husband?), and the various
types of beads like Kitty Fisher Beads and Snake Eye beads all have their
own superstitions (and David Springett's book, Spangles and Superstitions,
is a great resource for this type of study relating to the English lace
industry).  It wasn't just about 'prettying up' the pillow.  If I remember
rightly (and I could be wrong) - you had a snake eye bead on a bobbin on
your pillow to ward off evil.

I have a few antiques - both family and ones collected from
suppliers/dealers - and there's quite a variety in size of bobbin (both wood
and bone) and spangle and how they're spangled.  I found one yesterday (bon
I think) that has been spangled with a bent pin connecting the spangle to
the bobbin.  Another (or perhaps that one - don't remember as I was
preparing bobbins for an upcoming class) appears to have some wear around
the bottom where the spangle hole is, and possibly might've had a collar of
some sort in the past, and has been respangled at some point.

The interesting thing is that the smallest of my antiques is bone and is
really quite heavy.

The fascinating thing is that even though the thread was potentially very
fine that may have been used by previous owners/users of my bobbins - they
are all 'heavy' and have multiple glass beads on them.

I wonder if the spangling question has any relation to the fact that the
English work their footside on the Right I think, whereas Continentals are
on the left (or is it the other way round? - I can never remember).
Footside location does make a difference - my brain likes to work
continental way, and there are some beds  patterns that either don't flow or
don't make sense if you work them with the footside on the left, rather than
the right.

Helen in foggy Duvall, WA.

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