Thanks for the link, Bev - very interesting history of ballroom dancing. Nearer 
the top of the page is a picture of people dancing the minuet, and that 
reminded me.

At the last meeting of the local Austen Society group, we had a review of Mr. 
King's rules of conduct for (if I remember correctly) the Lower Rooms at Bath 
in the early 1800s. One rule was that no lady could dance the minuet if she 
were not wearing lappets. I am still trying to figure out why the lappets were 
important (they're long flat ties, often made of lace, that hung down from your 
cap, past your ears and onto your shoulders). I suppose it had something to do 
with being dressed correctly.

North Vancouver, BC
(west coast of Canada)

On 2010-11-26, at 9:25 AM, bev walker wrote:

> Hello Jeri and everyone
> Is this the photo, scroll down the page a bit, to the section on the
> Volta (from voler, to throw?):
> Beautiful costume, lace ruffs etc. although the image is small.
> On 11/26/10, <> wrote:
>> There is a very interesting reproduction of a painting on pages 336-7, that
>> would indicate why Queen Elizabeth *might* have worn lace stockings,
>> though  details do not show them.  It is located at Penshurst Place (private
>> collection of Viscount De L'Isle).

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