You asked what we would do.
Here is my husband's horrified reply to your question. 
Actually you'd do nothing because you are too nice (believe me he's wrong - it
would have ended with blood but ...).  You would not have said anything but I
would have.  I know how much time and effort goes into your work and for them
to have done that (and in muttering as he left room to get lunch .....
muttering continues as he comes back ....) I'd have told them in no uncertain
terms .... (muttering continues as he goes out back door).
He has also suggested that you should name and shame the event and it's a pity
you don't know who the people are to name and shame them.
I am very loathed to take out any of my good bobbins to shows these days after
a friend had her bobbins cut from her pillow at a large open lace day some 10
years back.
I have 40 or so pairs of cheap (ok relatively cheap) bobbins with
unsentimental spangles on them that I use for demo.
We were looking at the pillow I'm working on at the moment which has over 70
pairs on it and the average cost of each bobbin and spangle is £18.  This
pillow goes out to our group evenings but I wouldn't take it to a big event as
when I worked out the cost of that pillow it was staggering.
The pillow is exceptionally wide block pillow from SMP plus the bobbins (all
Chris Parsons ebony and pewter, Stuart Johnson bone and Sarah Jones painted
with a few Janet Retter and others) the cost of that pillow with the bobbins
is just a little over £2,600.  Yes, you are talking about a collection of
bobbins built up over 20 years and these aren't all my most expensive!
You could just spit blood couldn't you.
BTW hubby has just come back and is still muttering about 'don't they
understand the amount of work that goes into it .... '

Kind Regards

Liz Baker

My chronicle of my bobbins can be found at my website:

--- On Sat, 12/2/11, Carol <> wrote:

<snipped>   I asked her not to touch, when the accompanying lady told me that
the girl was very accomplished, had won prizes at school for handwork, and
could only help me to finish the lace.  <snipped>
Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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