Lord Hastings Bobbins does several events, one of which is TeslaCon in
November (sold out, I'm afraid).

However, as a presenter at TeslaCon, I've gotten a steak peek at the
schedule of events, and it includes an area set aside as a Knitting Parlor
(after the ladies of TeslaCon appropriated one by force in the hotel lobby
last year), a panel on Steampunk Embroidery, and an class on Bustlemaking.

Steampunk is often described as Victorian Science Fiction.  But one of the
most important parts of Steampunk is the idea that things should be
beautiful in the way that modern manufactured products are not. Why build a
time machine if you can't put polished wood panelling and
bronze filigrees all over it? Why make a death ray if you can't etch
scrollwork and inlay mother of pearl into the handle? And

And yes, I will be presenting at TeslaCon on lacemaking.

For those of you who are interested, here are some pictures of what I have
been working on:


Katelyn Schreyer

On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 12:39 PM, <dmt11h...@aol.com> wrote:

> Good Lord. Why are we demonstrating at State Fairs when we  should be
> demonstrating at Steampunk events?
> We just missed Steampunk Week, a total immersion week planned  by, I kid
> you not, Lord Hastings R. Bobbins!
> I am going out of my mind!
> Devon
> -
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