Hi Julie and fellow Arachnids,

Thank you Julie for a very interesting 'thread' which certainly looks worth following up.

Further as to lurk or not to lurk; when I joined a few years ago, I got 'shot down' by a lady from a most unexpected quarter and did not post for several months. Then being me [I can't keep my mouth shut if there is a point to make ;-)], I waded in again. The point is; do what you feel comfortable with, but it is nice to get some acknowledgement occasionally of a point made or information/knowledge/assistance given.

As far as language (English or any other) is concerned; please have a go at posting, we can usually understand it (if not we can ask for help) and are thankful for any new point, technique and little trick that may help us to make better lace. Anyone who gets upset because of grammar/spelling or other perceived "failings"; it is their loss if they cannot see past that to the point of the posting.

Happy lace making and posting,

Joepie, East Sussex, UK

From: Julie Ourom

I came across a mention of "peccadilles" in some non-lace reading <......

....>Here's Wikipedia:


There seems to be other information online, not all in languages I read.
Here's one that confirms the Wikipedia entry (or may be where the
information originated J.)

Historic dress 1608-1800 (Internet Archives)


.......> The reception people get when they post is arguably a major
factor in why people stay or "disappear" and surely the latter is not what
we want.

In the meantime, I hope the information on peccadilles is useful to someone.

JulieO in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada who REALLY planned to make lace this

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