My addition to this subject is not to take away from any of the suggestions from tatters, people who tatt often or who teach tatting, but to people like me who have wanted to, or would like to learn to tatt from scratch but either not achieved it, or struggle. A dear friend suggested a book to me and I wondered if yet another book and dvd was worth the buying with my record over the last 30 odd years. I have loved the look of but never quite understood how to achieve it (until recently when I used a lacet chart and shuttle kit and got the click when showing my husband what he wasn't doing right, LOL.) We were both trying alongside the disc playing on the household television. I have achieved rings, a butterfly and a motif from needle tatting in the last year, but still wanted to learn shuttle tatting. Anyway yesterday I received the new book and disc and have played the first 3 lessons this morning and Eureka, I saw and completely understood the movements and the chant I wanted, ie when to go under over and when over under movements.
It is called Learn to Tat by Janette Baker, with an interactive dvd.
I know nothing more about her or it than what I have seen in 24 hours, but have seen the book on the Roseground website in the UK.
Sue T
Dorset UK

I think I would suggest looking at Lyn Morton's books - her website is - also the small inexpensive books that Rosemarie Peel
has produced over the years -

Both are very helpful ladies, and Lyn also supplies threads and shuttles
etc. Rosemarie's diagrams on her 'Learn Tatting with Lacet' leaflet (and
in the new basic tatting book) are about the clearest I've seen.

I would also suggest you join either the Ring of Tatters or The Lace
Guild - both have libraries which include books that are now out of
print, and this would also enable you to see what was available before
Jane Partridge

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