Hi Spiders,

This theme has made me think!   I was lucky enough to teach lace at a private 
school, in the after-school activities, and had so many children we had to have 
a 'helper' for me!   I taught the Textiles class, and when some of the parents, 
children and staff knew I made lace (I made a treble clef for the music 
teacher) they were all very vocal in wanting a club - so, the school agreed, 
even bought several pillows and all the gear, and off we went.     I did supply 
orange juice and biscuits - not chocolate ones! - and I am sure another of the 
attractions was that we had our own personalised sweat shirts too, which the 
children were allowed to wear at the club, but not in the school day.    It was 
open to all from seven years old, and I had as many boys as girls, and I loved 
every second of it.   The only thing which did get me extremely tetchy was when 
parents, guardians or nannies came in to collect children, and said 'Is that 
all you've

Maybe I was lucky, and I do think it is probably easier to start a lace club at 
a private school, rather than the local education authority school - private 
schools can be more innovative than the local authority will allow sometimes, 
but if there are any school fetes and summer events going on in your 
village/area etc., then offer to take pillows with wip, have-a-go pillows etc., 
and see what response you get - this is how I started at two local village 
schools, and they have been very successful indeed.

Take care, keep on lacomg, and may your pins never bend!

Carol - now in North Norfolk, UK.
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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