Hi, all,

I'm left-handed and when I decided to learn how to tat years ago it never
occurred to me to learn other than left-handed.  Several years later I
decided that was a mistake - it was too much trouble converting charts from
RH to LH - so I re-taught myself right-handed.  Although both ways were
initially awkward, I persevered and now find tatting right-handed comes
naturally.  And it wasn't just that, but I get way fewer knots and tangles
tatting RH.  For some reason as it seems the threads lie more smoothly RH.

One thing that worked for me was to start with thick threads.  It made it so
much easier to see what I was doing and make sure I flipped the stitches

JulieO in Whitehorse, Yukon, in Canada's north, catching up on a summer's
worth of e-mail now that it's autumn.

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