Sallie, I hope you reported the antics of that teacher who cut your bobbins.
What a horrific experience.  No one has a right to treat anyone that way,
where one is not willfully being disruptive or uncooperative.  I had one IOLI
instructor who appeared to have no interest in teaching me from the very
beginning (I think I was the only 1/2 day student in the class).  I did my
best for 3 days and spent the last full day in my good class.   I will never
give her a second chance.   I've been in another situation where a teacher was
playing favorites and being very hard on someone else in the class.  It's not
supposed to be boot camp.  Some instructors need drama to feed ego, but they
and the event organizers should be informed that this does not further the
goal of building the lacemaking community.
It's very hard to speak up in small groups sometimes (and almost impossible to
confront a bad instructor personally as a student), but it's important to
praise the great instructors and point out those whose approaches do nothing
to help the sponsoring organization and lacemaking in the long run.  If you
are having a bad time with a teacher, chances are someone else got burned too.
And if you see someone else being mistreated, try to offer them support and
report the circumstances to the organizers.
Glad you persevered with lace and found great teachers like Sylvie and Lia.
Lorraine in Albany, NY

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