Hi Achim

I thought long and hard about producing it as an eBook but in the end I took
the advice that it should be paper or electronic but not both, and with the
current market /level of computer literacy it just had to be hard copy.

Re the size of .pdf files - it doesn’t matter what size the computer screen
shows (an iPad/tablet will never show a full A4 page) it’s the printed size
that matters and again not everyone is computer savvy enough to check whether
they are printing at 100% or something like 95% to fit onto the paper they are
using.  Then there is the problem of A4 versus USA letter size.

But computer technology is progressing all the time and the younger
generations who are growing up with it have different views and aspirations to
us oldies!

>> Personally speaking, whilst I love Kindle books for anything that’s going
to be read just once - immediate and easy to store -  for any type of
reference book or one with instructions etc I strongly prefer the printed
version, so much easier to flip from page to page to find whatever it is you
are looking for.
> That depends a lot on how good the PDF or eBook was prepared - there can be
contents pages that link directly to the respective pages or appendices with
linked catchwords. So it might actually be much easier to find something.
I’d for one would love to have your edition 6 in that format eventually.

Brenda in Allhallows

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