Hello Brian & Carol
Interesting question and reply, clearly there is evidence of Native Americans
making lace, but perhaps more relevantly, would the Native Americans have been
using what are quite clearly English East Midlands bobbins? One of which looks
to have been made by one of the Compton's.

By the way, I do think the asking price of £242 is utterly ridiculous.

Nicky     in Suffolk Uk

Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 01:31:35 -0700
From: Carol <ca...@azsnaps.com <mailto:ca...@azsnaps.com>>
Subject: [lace] Bobbin lace and Native Americans

Hello Brian,
Sorry, you will have to eat your words.  Sybil Carter, an Episcopal
missionary, is the name of the woman who began teaching bobbin lace to women
of the Ojibwe tribe in Minnesota. The women were taught how to make other
laces as well.  According to what I've read they made a very high quality
lace.  Minnesota is considered a Great Plains state.
There was an Indian School in Phoenix AZ and according to a display at the
Heard Museum in Phoenix they did teach bobbin lace to the girls at this
so bobbin lace was not confined to the Great Plains.  Some of the tribes in
the Arizona area would have been the Hopi, Papago, Tohono O'odham, Apache,
According to some Indian Affairs reports in 1901, in New York (state) there
were Native American women making bobbin lace.
Best regards,
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix, AZ USA

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