Dear Devon,
In defense of Jill Nordfors, her first book, dated 1974, was at a time when
there was very little available in America about the stitches she used in her
work.  Her second book under family names of Nordfors Clark was dated 1999.
 Both were primarily marketed to embroiderers, not to lace makers.
 Accordingly, I had them shelved with embroidery books before 2000!
 Further, I think the color photos of laces on the book covers were very
startling at time of publication, especially to those who ordered books by
mail.  They provide more than pure needle lace for reasons I remember
1974 - Needle Lace & Needleweaving - A New Look at Traditional Stitches
1999 - Needle Lace - Techniques & Inspiration
Difficulty accepting what Jill explained in her first book is because it was
unusual at the time to try new ideas and materials, to play and to experiment.
 The Embroiderers Guild of America had determined that whenever possible a
long list of stitches should be taught in each class at their annual Seminars.
 I was very much a part of the embroidery community at the time.  EGA was
interested in pushing embroiderers toward developing original designs, and if
I remember correctly, it was because of the direction embroiderers in the
United Kingdom took when they started the City & Guilds educational program
mentioned a few days ago.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA  (EGA member for 50 years)
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center
In a message dated 4/4/2018 8:18:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I am surprised to see in her 1974 book that she has a lot of stitches such as
chain stitch, coral stitch, stem stitch, Cretan stitch, Ceylon stitch and
various knotted stitches in her work...she has a stitch called
Venetian-point stitch which is a knotted stitch and does not resemble what I
perceive to be the stitches in Venetian lace.
She also relies heavily on needle weaving, both on straight
���warp��� threads
as she calls them and on radial ones....the book deals with doing detached 
embroidery as part of surface embroidery.  Devon

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