In the interest of clarity for present and future lace scholars, is Gertrude's
surname spelled Bei...... or Bie...... ?  Devon spells with ei. Kliot spells
with ie. We need to pass on correct spelling of people's names.
When putting the Kliot-related Arachne posting from Devon in the Bobbin Lace
book by Kaethe and Jules Kliot today, I found a copy of a couple pages of an
information sheet prepared by LACIS, Berkeley CA, in which they gave
permission to reprint provided credit is given to LACIS plus a note that
readers could obtain the complete article by writing Lacis Antique Lace and
Textile Center. This information appeared in the Manhattan Chapter EGA
newsletter of Feb. 1982, Sharon - the decade of your proposed book. 
Sharon, if you touch upon needle-made laces, it is extremely important to know
that nearly all classes were taught by EGA (in the U.S.), because of EGA's
reasoning that needle-made laces were made with a threaded needle (with an
eye). You might need to know more. I probably have all copies of the EGA
magazines/bulletins in the 1980s (period about which you are writing). I
belonged to the Manhattan Chapter, and later founded the Morris (NJ) Chapter.
At one point, Aurelia Loveman's younger sister, Addie Bush was President of
Manhattan Chapter.
Lots of printed lace and embroidery material is in boxes in my studio here in
Maine, though poorly organized. Have desperately needed part-time assistance
for over 2 decades, but that is not affordable. I am located in Maine because
of the amount of space needed for a library/studio, and lower real estate
taxes. This location lacks cultural, social, and financial support for textile
arts, explaining why I am a member of so many lace and embroidery guilds, plus
Jeri Ames, 80
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center 
In a message dated 5/17/2018 7:49:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 Kaethe Kliot's book ( pages210-211"Bobbin Lace Form by the Twisting of
Cords") credits Gertrude Beiderman with the design of several laces which are
actually re-workings of designs by Dagobert Peche of the Wiener Werkstatte. In
your conversation with Jules, could you ask Jules why there is no mention of
the original designer?
> On May 16, 2018 at 2:14 PM Sharon Ghamari-Tabrizi <>
> I will ask Jules Kliot if he remembers conversations with Beiderman

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