Many thanks to all who wrote—Clearly experience speaks volumes!! I
must say I would never have thought of using a wire wrapped dowel or rubber
bands. I truly appreciate your advice on the weekend especially as I was
hoping to make progress before Monday. There are definitely “groups” that
can be worked while others “rest” although I found it a bit of a challenge
unless the working threads are overly long. After considering all your
suggestions, combined with what I have on hand in our tiny condo, I decided to
try the “tuning fork” bobbin holders I bought at a Flanders
class—ironically from Annick! I did use divider pins plus one flat holder
but the elastic is fiddly to use without a flat pillow. All I can say is my
hat is off to anyone who manages lots of bobbins on a bolster! This might be
something I need to see/learn in person? So far my Rube Goldberg set up is
slightly faster than before. But—Anna—you have hit the nail on the head.
This might be easier on a different pillow. I do have a wide roller pillow
that I could try before I embark on making/buying a block pillow. I posted a
photo on Flickr & yes I realize it looks like something MacGyver would make!
;-)  I also posted a pic of another small Binche ornament from “Christmas by
Kumiko”. They are in Photostream. Thanks again & enjoy what’s left of your
weekend! Sincerely, Susan Hottle, South Florid

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