
Just my 2 cents.

2016-10-31 10:09 GMT+01:00 Amir E. Aharoni <amir.ahar...@mail.huji.ac.il>:

> Hi Satdeep and Langcom,
> I'm actually a bit reluctant at this point, but this can be fixed quite
> easily. Let me explain.
> As a lot of people probably know, I have a lot of respect remarkably
> active Punjabi Wikipedia community. I do, however, see two problems with
> the activity of the test Wikisource, as analyzed at
> https://tools.wmflabs.org/meta/catanalysis/index.php?
> cat=1&title=ਪੰਜਾਬੀ&wiki=sourceswiki .
> One is that it's a bit low in general. October 2016 is the first month
> with four active users, and earlier there were even less.

That's a good point but Wikisources have naturally a low number of users
and it's not really a bad thing.

The other is that the user who made the most edits appears to have only
> used OCR without actually correcting the OCRed text. Look at these pages:
> https://wikisource.org/wiki/Page:Julius_Ceasuer_Punjabi_
> Translation_by_HS_Gill.pdf/156
> https://wikisource.org/wiki/Page:Julius_Ceasuer_Punjabi_
> Translation_by_HS_Gill.pdf/143
> The original scanned page looks like a typical theater play with character
> names before a colon ("ਮੈਸਾਲਾ-:", "ਮੈਸਾਲਾ-:") and the main text in another
> column after the colon. OCR appears to have put all the names in the
> beginning of the page and all of the main text after them. Clicking the OCR
> button is too easy—I'd expect the editor to move the parts of the page
> around and format them correctly.
> Community activity and sustainability is the biggest issue in new and
> small Wikimedia projects, and I'd love to see more meaningful contributions
> and understanding of the Wikisource editing model before fully approving.

That is a less good point.
OCR is a good and meaningful contribution. Most contributions on *all*
wikisource is OCR (for the Wikisource who use the proofread system
obviously). OCR is not enough in itself but it's a needed, mandatory,
primordial, etc. first step. Improvements is obvioulsy to be expected but
please don't dismiss this first step.

> As I noted above, both problems are easily fixable. I'm sure that the
> Punjabi community can address them in just a couple of months. I'll be
> happy to look at the activity again then.
> Thanks for understanding! :)

Thank you too.
I hear and understand your concerns, my point is : the wikisources dynamics
is different from the wikipedias dynamics and I think you misjudge a little
bit how the wikisources work.

to: Satdeep, don't hesitate to contact me in private if you need help ;)

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