For Literary Chinese Wikisource proposal, it should be noted that out of
almost three hundred thousand documents currently hosted on Chinese
wikisource, most of them are actually lzh documents (like I tried to click
"random document" button there for ten consecutive times and all ten times
the outcome page is something in lzh). So it would either be a.) a pretty
huge task to split and migrate all documents, or b.) selectively only put
documents that are not from Chinese speaking region into lzh ws for
convenient, or c.) allow the long term coexistence of lzh document on both
ws in the long run and just let editors decide how to do it.

And then another point of concern is that, for all the mentioned East Asian
wiki community, Vietnamese and Korean wikisource are pretty dead and amount
of speakers in both language that can understand lzh ancient document from
the traditional geographical area where those languages were spoken are
pretty low, Japanese ws seems better in both aspects but still seems less
active than Chinese community, so there's also concern that 1.) would it be
able to attract enough editors to maintain all hundred thousands documents
that will be put into it, and 2.) Given the proportion of editors from
different ws, it seems likely that if a lzh ws is to be created then most
of its editors will be from Chinese ws which wouldn't really match
the.prospect of having a standalone lzh ws.

Also it doesn't seems like there's anyone from WS Japanese expressed
opinion about the matter yet? There were some past discussion on Japanese
ws that mentioned ideally there should have a separate lzh ws but it seems
like those discussion lead to nowhere with some pointing out that previous
request for lzh ws have been rejected.
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