... in general we close off more bugs than we open nesting security layers.

1) The only situation in which this may be true is when a small team designs all the layers, all the way down to the iron. Even in this case there is no evidence to support the assertion and there are numerous anecdotes that deny it.
2) People can write code faster than they can find and fix bugs.
3) The number of bugs is in direct proportion to lines of code.

All that said, isn't the point to not create bugs in the first place? (Unless, of course, you're paid to find them. Low-paid code writers and high-paid code fixers brings to mind one hand washing the other. See software contracts for Obamacare connectors. )

Cheers, Scott

P.S. Wouldn't it be more honest to start calling them 'faults' or 'errors' or 'failures' rather than 'bugs'?

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