On 2014-10-29 23:18, Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:

>  What does it mean?:
>  -Portuguese: 2909 total matches
>  +Portuguese: 2913 total matches

It means the day before yesterday, there were 2909 matches and 
yesterday, there were 2913 matches.

>  The reason why it got hits is because in pt_BR (Portuguese Brazilian)
> the guys use "equipe" and we in Portugal (pt_PT) use "equipa".

Currently, "equipe" gives and error no matter whether you select pt-PT 
or pt-BR (just tested it on languagetool.org). The correct way to 
resolve this is to move variant-specific rules to a subfolder. Please 
have a look at how English does it with en-GB and en-US: most rules are 
in the top-level grammar.xml, but some are in en-GB/grammar.xml and some 
in en-US/grammar.xml.


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