On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 22:42:22 -0800 Jason Dunham wrote:

> As far as I've ever heard, the transpose arrays don't use any extra
> memory.  The transpose function is done "in place". I'm sure a few extra
> bytes are needed for temporary storage, but supposedly the same array
> buffer is reused. I would guess that the graph transpose option is also
> not a memory hog.  

>Although a transposed array will consume the same amount of memory as
>the original array, the transpose function involves creating a new array,
>populating it using data from the original array, then deleting the
>original. This can have a significant effect on memory usage with a
>large array.

I'm not really sure about if it really does, but it is envisable that
the transpose function may actually operate in place with just one single
temporary storage value by swapping the two elements from start and tail
of the according buffer part. It certainly has not done so in the beginning
but as LabVIEW evolves a lot of array manipulation functions have been

Tests show an additional buffer used indeed compared to when no Transpose
is used. Also using the unofficial INI file setting showInplaceMenuItem=True
you can verify that the Transpose function does not seem to operate in place.

Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Nederland BV    tel: +31 (070) 415 9190
Treubstraat 7H                           fax: +31 (070) 415 9191
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