Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc :)

This case your talking about sounds really interesting! I hope you can
do some summaries up for us! The Jones case on CTV is fascinating to me,
I am driving Scott crazy, he hates court stuff, guess I should have told
him he was going to be stuck listening to Court all day and watching
Bonanza at night when he married me huh? LOL Oh well he knows now after
10 years of marriage LOL

I have the TV on watching this trial all day, taking notes here and
there, but listening to it in the background while doing other work :) I
completely believe in the killing two birds with one stone saying :)

I will be able to get back to doing the COTD's now since things have
settled down concerning the other business I was taking care of :) I
appreciate everyone's patience in that :) Well time to run to the post
office :) TTYL :)

DocCec wrote:
> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated 98-03-22 22:22:31 EST, you write:
> << I've been doing the daily summaries on the family massacre trial CTV is
>  airing right now, and I have received positive feedback in private
>  email, so I guess we're not the only ones bored with the Clinton thing
>  either :) >>
> I've enjoyed those, Kathy, and of course your COTD things also.  The Ruthann
> Aron trial is perhaps more of local interest, but the fact that she was a
> legislator and has functioned well in that role for quite awhile makes the
> whole thing about mental illness interesting to me.  She's a weird looking
> person, but one can't judge completely from appearance of course.  She seems
> to  have no expression except for the times she's glaring or crying, and one
> sometimes suspects that the crying is for the cameras.  (Yes, there are
> cameras in the courtroom, though we aren't seeing more than a few snippets
> here and there.)
> Doc
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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