DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-03-11 06:06:27 EST, you write:

<< BTW--off topic but us ENFPs have quite the learning style--Have you heard
 Mind Mapping??  Says we would benefit from it--almost scared to know what it
 <G>.  I am having more fun with this stuff--who says research can't be fun!!
 jackief >>

Never heard of mind mapping.  I do know we tend to learn aurally rather than
visually or tactually -- or so they say, and I know it's true for me.  I
remember what I hear, verbatim and with all intonations intact, far longer
than I remember what I've seen.  What is mind mapping?  Is it connected to
that N factor that makes our minds more like a grid or a spider web than like
the linear minds of the S's?

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