Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DocCec wrote:

> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated 98-03-11 06:06:27 EST, you write:
> Never heard of mind mapping.  I do know we tend to learn aurally rather than
> visually or tactually -- or so they say, and I know it's true for me.  I
> remember what I hear, verbatim and with all intonations intact, far longer
> than I remember what I've seen.  What is mind mapping?  Is it connected to
> that N factor that makes our minds more like a grid or a spider web than like
> the linear minds of the S's?
> Doc
> Hi Doc

I have never heard of mind mapping?  Think I will go surfing.  I would imagine
that the N factor would be the case as I think that is the abstract thinking vrs
concrete thinking, isn't it.  Had to go to my ole' alma mater yesterday and
talked to one of my mentors--he is now dean of graduate studies and we started
talking about this stuff.  He is an NF too so you know how abstract we were
getting.  Poor Ed, he is an SF.

The learning stuff I pulled from the net really picked up on the aural learning
aspect of the NF personality.  I should go back in and get the other three
temperaments so I can compare them easily.  The majority of my students last year
in Psych were ESTJ's and were majoring in nursing or criminal justice.  They
tended to rank individual experience and visual aids as the most effective in
learning new material.  They really thought  'participant observation'
assignments helped them most in learning.  Hmm, I wonder.  I wonder if this has a
bearing on the problems in education to some degree.


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